Shetland Wool Week: Hoswick Makkers' Drop-in

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

On Sunday 6th October join us at the Hoswick Visitor Centre for a relaxed drop-in session.

Spinners and knitters relaxing at the Hoswick Visitor Centre during Shetland Wool Week

Hoswick Makkers' Drop-in

FREE, unticketed

  • Hoswick Visitor Centre
  • Sun 6 Oct: 10am - 2.30pm
  • Café open (teas, coffees, cakes only)
  • Transport: if you're coming by bus we can pick you up from the bus stop at Sandwick (7 mins walk or a short drive from Hoswick) please get in touch to arrange.

We've organised special opening of Hoswick Visitor Centre for people still in Shetland on Sunday 6 October, the day after Wool Week ends.

Bring your knitting (makkin), crochet or spinning and relax with a cup of tea and a piece of cake. A lovely way to round off Wool Week! Niela and Elizabeth Johnston (tutor and organiser of Hoswick classes) plan to be there too. 

The Nielanell studio and Karlin Anderson Jewellery will also both be open 10am - 4pm.

Shetland Wool Week at Nielanell

We are running a programme of free events during Shetland Wool Week

Tagged with: events

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